
The Institution is having 7 fully equipped Computer Labs.Over 40 spacious computers are available in each Computer Lab with the latest configurations.All the computer systems are connected by LAN for the benefit of students .

The windows, UNIX and LINUX software packages, Multimedia, Animation and various editing packages are made available to create simulated environments to suit not only the curricula very well but also to go beyond it.

The institution has English Communication Lab with the prime objectives for developing the four major skills among the students. They are : Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking.The lab serves as a dynamic learning tool for the students to learn the language enthusiastically.It helps them strengthen their Positive Attitude and Confidence level.

The rural students are much more benefitted by getting rid of fear to face interviews boldly and successfully.The lab is equipped with 40 multimedia systems with internet facilitie, an LCD projector .Software is used to enhance the listening, speaking, reading, writing and thinking skills in English.

The institution is having 2 well equipped laboratory with latest instruments such as spectrometers, microscopes, ultrasonic interferometers, lasers, optical fibers.The laboratory is spacious enough to accommodate more than 40 students to do Practicals at a stretch.

The laboratory is left open for the students with additional facilities to carry out innovative project work apart from regular practical classes.