Entrepreneur Development Cell
Entrepreneur Development Cell strives to inspire and integrate a culture of innovation through a conducive entrepreneurial ecosystem to help budding entrepreneurs realize their dream to start up their own enterprises. It refines the entrepreneurial skills like idea generation, opportunity evaluation, business modeling, cash flow, forecasting, negotiation & sales skills through hands on training, programs, mentoring and campus startups. It is also working towards building the leadership skills among the students to enhance their entrepreneurial competencies.
- To build Entrepreneurial culture among students
- To act as an intermediate between the College and Industries
- To conduct Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes
- To organize visits to industries for forthcoming entrepreneurs
- To conduct skill development trainings to make self employment
To identify the opportunities that will allow the growth and success of every student.Develop interdisciplinary learning environments that teach students to see new opportunities out of present ordinary human life pattern and Students to be given the chance to see new business opportunities and to carry them to materialization with sponsoring the monetary funds, technological and logistical assistance to the future job providers rather than job seekers.
To expand the entrepreneurship through education, research and training, thus speed up the economic growth, by increasing the supply of new entrepreneurs and build up performance of the existing ones. Initiate entrepreneurial culture within the institutional mechanism and recognizes their responsibility for providing motivation, guidance, opportunity to women and weaker section entrepreneurs of the society and other services to prospective and budding new entrepreneurs.
EDII-TN Funded Program
Co-Ordinators 2018-2019
Mrs.S.Hemalatha, Assistant Professor, Dept of B.Com
Mrs.B.Shalini, Assistant Professor, Dept of BBA